Fan Feng, CFP® featured at RIA Institute Panel
Fan Feng, CFP® enjoyed speaking last week on the RIA Institute panel on how she bests advises the families and companies that she serves, specifically noting how behavioral finance comes into play. Biases, inherent and/or learned can cause investors to make decisions that are seethed in emotions and irrationality that makes it increasingly difficult for them to achieve their long-term financial goals. As a fiduciary, Fan works with families and businesses to overcome these challenges and achieve their financial goals!
Fan Feng,CFP® 在 RIA 投资研究所讨论她如何最好地为她所服务的家庭和公司提供建议,特别是如何发挥行为金融学的作用。在投资学,固有偏见或习惯偏见可能导致投资者做出充满情绪和非理性的决定,这使得他们越来越难以实现长期财务目标。作为专业的理财顾问,Fan 与家庭和企业合作,克服这些挑战并帮助客户实现他们的财务目标。