Guilian DiLeonardo Guilian DiLeonardo

“Are You a Fiduciary?”

Toward the end of our tenure at our prior firm, the excessive focus on cross-selling banking products reached unprecedented levels, prompting us to embark on a new venture—a genuine fiduciary firm, distinct from those that only adopt fiduciary principles sporadically, when convenient for them.

To gain valuable insights into the world of financial advising, we invite you to tune into Episode 4 of Inevitable Wealth. In this episode, we delve into frequently asked questions for advisors and shed light on the disparity between the lower suitability standard adhered to by many institutions and the higher fiduciary standard upheld by RIAs like Liberty One Wealth.

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Guilian DiLeonardo Guilian DiLeonardo

Supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters Independence Region

It was an honor for us to support this incredible organization and contribute to their mission of defending the potential of young minds.

At Liberty One, we strongly believe in giving back to our community and empowering future generations. BBBSI has been making a significant impact on the lives of young individuals, providing them with mentoring relationships that nurture their potential and inspire them to achieve their dreams.

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Guilian DiLeonardo Guilian DiLeonardo

Fan Feng, CFP® featured at RIA Institute Panel

Fan Feng, CFP® enjoyed speaking last week on the RIA Institute panel on how she bests advises the families and companies that she serves, specifically noting how behavioral finance comes into play. Biases, inherent and/or learned can cause investors to make decisions that are seethed in emotions and irrationality that makes it increasingly difficult for them to achieve their long-term financial goals. As a fiduciary, Fan works with families and businesses to overcome these challenges and achieve their financial goals!

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Guilian DiLeonardo Guilian DiLeonardo

It's Gotta Be A CFP®

CFP® professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. That’s why It's Gotta Be A CFP®

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Guilian DiLeonardo Guilian DiLeonardo

Paying Homage to His Past

When it comes to his clients, Jacky Petit-Homme, co-founder of Philadelphia’s Liberty One Financial Advisors — a firm that now has $75 million in AUM and has grown in just two years to serve approximately 120 households — draws on the experiences of his Haitian parents and those who came before them.

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Guilian DiLeonardo Guilian DiLeonardo

Charles Schwab IMPACT® 2022

Thank you to Charles Schwab for inviting our team to Schwab's IMPACT® Conference 2022 in Denver, Colorado. It was great to connect with our peers in the industry and discuss the economic outlook, current state of markets, and industry trends!

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Guilian DiLeonardo Guilian DiLeonardo

Advisor of the Year, Jacky L. Petit-Homme, CFP®

“A first-generation son of Haitian immigrants, Petit-Homme took a leap in 2021 when he left a stable career at Merrill Lynch to co-found a wealth management firm in Philadelphia with two partners. In that short period, his firm has grown to serve roughly 120 households with about $75 million in AUM. He tells clients that his goal is to be the “CFO of their family,” and is dedicated to making financial literacy more accessible — which is the mission of a nonprofit he hopes to launch in 2023.“

Congratulations to our partner, Jacky L Petit-Homme, CFP® on being named Advisor of the Year by RIA Intel!

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Guilian DiLeonardo Guilian DiLeonardo

When Should I Speak with a Financial Planner? + How to Select One

Guilian DiLeonardo and Jacky Petit-Homme are certified financial planners and two of the three founding partners of Liberty One Wealth Advisors in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After working at a traditional wirehouse, or bank, Jacky, Guilian and their partner decided to open their own independent wealth management firm to best serve their clients. Thomas, Guilian and Jacky discuss the roles and responsibilities of a financial planner, the differences between a planner and an investment advisor, breaking out of the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck, the decision to go independent, Liberty One's fee structure, and the brand's identity and diversity in the financial services industry

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Jacky Petit-Homme Jacky Petit-Homme

Managing Headline Risk

Retail investors today, for the most part, understand that market risk comes with the territory. However, despite its prevalence in today’s world, headline risk is not often addressed.

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Jacky Petit-Homme Jacky Petit-Homme

Don’t WebMD Your Finances, Talk About Them

Your financial picture is as unique to you as your fingerprint. If your co-workers have convinced you (rightfully so) to contribute to your 401(k), that doesn’t mean you should be investing in the same way they are.

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